Lilium philadelphicum var. philadelphicum, wood lily, is a beautiful showy native herbaceous perennial plant that blooms in the summer. This plant is NJ endangered. For further information, click on the "More info" button above.
The spectacular brilliant red-orange bell shaped flowers are large, about 4 inches across and face upward which is unusual for a lily.
Wood lily flower has 6 tepals. If you look closely, the 3 petals have ridges down the middle and form the inner whorl while the sepals the ridges are less distinct and form the outer whorl of tepals.
This side view of the wood lily flower shows the distinctly clawed shape of the 6 tepals. The narrow part at the base of the tepal is called the claw while the wide section above is called the limb.
A close up of the 6 stamens and the pistil are seen here.
The flowers may form a cluster of one to three flowers on top of the uppermost whorl of leaves.
Plant, Leaves and growth habit
The unbranched plant grows to 1.5-2.5 ft. tall. It has three to 11 leaves per whorl. There may be a few oposite leaves in between the whorls. However, var. philadelphium has its leaves mainly in whorls.
The habitat reported in the literature is - grassy balds, moist to wet meadows (especially in thin soils over rock), and open woodlands.
All photos by H & M Ling, 7/1/2019, Sussex County, NJ.
Additional information
Additional information / references:
The USDA website shows the wood lily distribution in the US and it is threathened in many states: .
New Jersey Heritage Natural Heritage Program, in its endangered plant species list, gives Lilium philadelphicum var. philadelphicum - Wood Lily these classifications:
G5=Demonstrably secure globally; although it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
S2=Imperiled in New Jersey because of rarity (6 to 20 occurrences)
HL=Indicates taxa or ecological communities protected by the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act within the jurisdiction of the Highlands Preservation Area
NJ Heritage Natural Heritage Program overview:
NJ Heritage Natural Heritage Program list of endangered plants:
NJ Heritage Natural Heritage Program status codes:
Flora of North America: plant description and discussion of other varieties: